Whilst the Clouds Smile

Whilst the Clouds Smile

Top- New look
Shorts- ?
Skull Creepers- Chicnova
Smile Lighter- shopjeen.com
Set of Rings - my wardrobe.com

Sorry i've been such a shiite blogger. It's really bad, and I'm sorry. But i'm not going to go and explain all my excuses because I know how boring it is :L
 but simply say I've been too busy. I'm still working on the gifs and I have photos ready on my camera to upload but I don't know when i'll be able to grab some time to create the posts. Thank you to those who have stayed connected even with the lack of posts. I'd love to say that as a reward I could offer you some special extra feature on the blog or a awesome posts coming up, but alas not possible... Oh well, basically thanks for sticking around.

By the way, with all these google reader changes (see here if you want to know the full details as written by the lovely Dana, of wonderforest), Bloglovin' seems the best route for you guys to keep reading. 
It's really simple, easy and great to keep updated with all your favourite blogs.   Click here or on the Bloglovin' button in the side bar to follow my blog over there ^_^ thank you for the support


1 comment :

  1. Wonderful choice...I really like your blog.^^
    Maybe follow each other on bloglovin?
    Let me know follow you then back.
    Lovely greets Nessa


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