Week of 3 Gigs

Peace EP- Delicious

So, the week 29-6th December, I went to 3 gigs.
A very lovely surprise...
On the 29th I went to Frank Turner, in a slightly smaller venue than before considering that the last time I saw him was in Wembley! It was his first 'big' gig too and he was so cutely proud. They were probably the best gigs you could go to of his. His first big gig, then the 'home' one. There was a great moment when playing one of his songs, 'Wessex Boy', that he said "Usually I say, although this song is written about my hometown [Winchester] it really applies to all hometowns. But fuck it, this is about here, so enjoy it."

On the 1st, it was Jason Mraz in the O2. Okay, we had had this planned for a pretty long time, so we were excited. Although, my interest in him had decreased by that time. He was my favourite artist in previous years since around 2009. So after lasting nearly 3 years at the top of my charts, he released his new album 'LOVE is a four letter word...' I was really not very keen on this album, it's too country. There are a few songs that have grown on me, but I prefer and still love 'We Sing, We Dance, We Steal Things.' My favourites currently being 'A beautiful mess', 'Coyotes', 'Live High' and 'Only Human.' But he was lovely. Seriously. For example, when he did the famous 'I'm Yours', he mashed it up with 'Three Little Birds' from Bob and when it got to the 'every little thing is gonna be alright' part he made us turn to our neighbour and sing it to them. Then to do the same to someone we don't know and another. Smiles and all in true Mraz style, bringing us all together.

The last, on the 6th was Peace(foreverever). It was a very late planned thing. It was quite perfect that way. It was just a few days after I, uh, discovered them. My best friend called me up around 2am shouting about how she had got us tickets at a small venue to them.Whisper screaming back and forth while everybody was sleeping. They were awesome. Seriously. A lot of indie dancing went on that night. Pretty fucking hilarious, when the main singer, of the support actually 'Gabriel Bruce' is staring you in the face like a mass murderer(bit much?) in an interrogation room. Anyway, we touched them, took pictures, and were more on the same level which is always awesome with starting up bands. Another funny thing, the drummer of Gabriel Bruce's act was somebody who went to our previous school. Peace were awesome, played all of our favourites. Left me hyper.

What's the best gig you've been to to?

**Since writing this, it turns out that the venue that we saw Peace - The Joiners, Southampton, won 'NME best small venue.' ^_^ Check out whats taking place there on their website.

Festive Wishlist

1. Suspender Tights

2. Pring's Photographers Miscellany

3. Jeffery Campbell Spike Litas

4. Moroccan Oil
Credit: www.memoirsofawardrobe.co.uk

5. Crush Jacket in Wine

6. Pure DKNY Touch of Vanilla
Credit: www.projectvanity.com
What are you wishing for this Festive Season?
Merry Xmas